Zero-to-Plan in 90-Days

Strategy Lab is driven by our Zero-to-Plan in 90-Days approach to strategic planning led by a facilitator. Let your last plan be the last time you endure a process that takes too long, costs too much and fails to deliver meaningful results.

Your team + our facilitated approach = a better way to a better plan.

  • Get a strategic model designed to engage changing realities and ensure a stabilizing framework without sacrificing agility
  • Play to your strengths and leverage your competitive advantage
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Click "Book a Free Consultation" to select a convenient time for a free consultation call via our calendar popup.

Click 'Let's Talk Now' to connect with an available team member to get your questions answered now via live chat or over the phone.

Get a clear vision, a structured plan, and the tools to measure the impact.

Plans should serve you, not you serve the plan.
Too many have been through a process that results in a plan that doesn’t serve them. Rather than having it guide their day-to-day decision-making or provide direction when the landscape is shifting, they become slaves to a plan that is not relevant and doesn’t have any real way to measure progress. Plans should serve you, not you serve the plan.

  • Measurable Impact | Ideal for organizations that are pursuing measurable impact.
  • Leverage your competitive edge | A collaborative process to explore every aspect of your current reality and potential opportunities until the foundations of a clear vision come into view.
  • Operationalized plan | From that shared vision, master facilitators guide you through clear yet comprehensive steps to create and operationalize your mission, constructing a powerful decision-making matrix in the process.
  • Keeps Pace with Changing Realities | Strategies for engaging changing realities are built into the model to ensure stability without sacrificing agility.

Are we doing the right things, the right way, for the right reasons?

Download the Essential Guide to Answering Strategic Planning's 3 Critical Questions

Click the button above to have PDF version of the tool sent to your inbox.

Ideal for organizations that are pursuing measurable impact.

At Convene Lab, our mission is to catalyze your efforts to define, refine and align yourself with a strategic vision of how things are meant to be in your marketplace, your organization, and your life.

This vision will serve as a basis for making those difficult decisions as questions and opportunities arise along the way, a compass for setting your course and holding to it, a standard for measuring success and progress, and a source of inspiration and courage for making the journey.  

  • Clear Direction | Achieve clarity of purpose and direction
  • Actionable Measures | Develop practical next steps with actionable measures
  • Masterful Facilitation | Partner with an experienced strategic planning facilitator to stay on track

Click "Book a Free Consultation" to select a convenient time for a free consultation call via our calendar popup.

Click 'Let's Talk Now' to connect with an available team member to get your questions answered now via live chat or over the phone.