About Us

Let me introduce the team that can take you further than you have ever been. The people that built Me. The people that inspired Convene Lab.

The recovering serial entrepreneur and strategy guru who can “think around corners.” The former Navy pilot and the Army Veterans Advocate joining forces to see others rise. Parents and grandparents who have been honing their facilitation skills since the “terrible two’s.”

Problems solvers, simplifiers, organizers, innovators, and analysts. Certified masters and weathered practitioners.

Survivors. Givers. Believers.
We challenge one another. We elevate one another. And now, we are taking on the new workplace reality together by serving as catalysts, resources, and guides. Once they enter your orbit, you will wonder like I do, “How did I get to do life with THESE people?”

Tierah Lothbrok

Meet the Team

Join the (Jedi council)

We are searching for trainers, facilitators, and instructional designers to join our Jedi Council.

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