New Role. New Expectation. New Normal. Get a Coach!

Coaching Lab is a powerful tool for accelerating your growth in alignment with change.

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Click 'Let's Talk Now' to connect with an available team member to get your questions answered now via live chat or over the phone.

"Tierah is one of those unique individuals who blends a keen understanding of business and organizational issues with a superb command of what it takes to help leaders mobilize people within their organizations and achieve great results."

- Marcelino Sanchez, Managing Director, AgileChange

What got you here won’t take you to the next success.

We believe coaching is a powerful tool for accelerating your growth in alignment with change. Our coaches will help you break through barriers, overcome obstacles, and increase the quality of your work life. Alignment through coaching is accomplished through assessment, facilitated discussion and process, instruction, application, and monitoring.

  • Accountability Partner | We will partner with you in the fight against fear, apathy, disappointment, and disorganization. But, unfortunately, no one can take down all these giants alone.
  • Objective Counsel | Our coaches aim to provide an unbiased source of direction when you find yourself off-road without a map. We pride ourselves in being a trusted compass that cannot be influenced, pointing the way to solutions and opportunities. In addition, we bring the benefit of our experience and expertise, having worked with many clients over the years.
  • Growth Catalyst | A source of encouragement and reinforcement when the circumstances are bigger than we are or when the pain that is a natural part of the growth process threatens to turn us back from the path to our goals.

Click "Book a Free Consultation" to select a convenient time for a free consultation call via our calendar popup.

Click 'Let's Talk Now' to connect with an available team member to get your questions answered now via live chat or over the phone.

Best intentions don’t equal best outcomes.
Coaching accelerates the growth need to aligning with change.

Click "Book a Free Consultation" to select a convenient time for a free consultation call via our calendar popup.

Click 'Let's Talk Now' to connect with an available team member to get your questions answered now via live chat or over the phone.

The adult learning landscape changes rapidly, with the performance bar always being raised. New roles, new teams, new circumstances all demand more from us. As an independent third party, we use our independence to help you “see” what is not in your natural line of sight: the true state of your character and the impact of your behavior. Our most successful coaching clients benefited from a combination of assessment, facilitated discussion and process, instruction, application, and monitoring. Now is the time to put you and your team's skillset on steroids. The challenges, roles, and expectations have grown faster than our capacity, so it's now or never.

  • Individual Coaching | Coaching a single participant to achieve individual personal, career, or role-specific goals.
  • Group or Cohort Coaching | Simultaneous coaching of multiple individuals through facilitation of group sessions.  All participants of a group coaching session have similar performance goals and similar barriers. Participants are not directly dependent on the other group members to achieve their individual performance goals, though the entire group may benefit from their achievement. Sessions address topics relevant to all participants through awareness engagements, knowledge sharing, knowledge transfer, diagnostic feedback and analysis, and a group accountability process.
  • Team Coaching | Coaching of a composite entity made up of individuals, but that has its own unique goals and objectives held separately from or in common with the goals represented by each participant that cannot be accomplished by the individuals separately but can only be reached collectively.

New Role? New team? New Expectations? Get started on your journey today!

It would be best if you had a catalyst for cultivating the new motivation and skill it will take to accomplish your new goals.

  • Accountability Partner | We’ve got your back.
  • Objective Counsel | Where we help you find your way.
  • Growth Catalyst | We offer you a positive voice in your head when you can't find one.