Make your meetings matter.

Facilitation Lab, led by a skilled facilitator, is a custom session designed, developed, and delivered to meet your unique needs, from an intimate team-building session to a large public forum. Skilled facilitation differentiates a productive meeting from a waste of time in any environment. We’ve Got This!

  • We have a structured approach to getting results.
  • Get the right people talking about the right things in less time.
  • Keep your team on the same page, increase productivity.
Book a Free Consultation

Click "Book a Free Consultation" to select a convenient time for a free consultation call via our calendar popup.

Click 'Let's Talk Now' to connect with an available team member to get your questions answered now via live chat or over the phone.

"Tierah worked with our board as a facilitator in our first attempt at Strategic Planning. Her ability to bring a group to a consensus was clear from the beginning. She utilized creative, insightful questions, resulting in the participants' owning of the process and the outcome. As one board member said: "I have never spent 8 hours in a meeting when I haven't looked at the clock." I would highly recommend Tierah to anyone who wants immediate, quantifiable results with total group buy-in."

- Deborah Ann, Entrepreneurial Healthcare Executive

Tough Crowd. Tough Situation. Tough Decision. We’ve Got This!

THEY are all here. The Over Participators and the Hold Outs. The Colleagues Against Virtually Everything and their counterparts, the Yes people. A magnificent assembly. It would be best if you had a plan, an answer, some information, a solution…and THEY have it, or THEY will have to execute it. You have a choice to make. Entertain a Career Limiting Move and face them alone, or call in a professional with the skills and experience to achieve the meeting purpose no matter who is in the room. Whether we serve as your stand-in, your wingman, or your coach, we are here to see that you walk out the hero. Add the secret weapon of professional facilitation to your arsenal and join other leaders who achieve:

  • High Impact, Sustainable Change | We get you in and out of tough meetings.
  • Alignment | Putting the "team" back in teamwork. Get your team on the same page with less back-and-forth.
  • Keep you on track | We employ a structured approach and proven strategies to drive progress and manage human dynamics

Click "Book a Free Consultation" to select a convenient time for a free consultation call via our calendar popup.

Click 'Let's Talk Now' to connect with an available team member to get your questions answered now via live chat or over the phone.

Give Feedback. Get Answers. Start Alignment. Ready for Change.

There is a cure for the common meeting. Skilled Facilitation. The absence of order is chaos. You have experienced it. Chronic indecision, circular logic, political filibustering, and irrelevant musings all step in to fill the void.

Most participants fade in and out of the meeting consciousness, and you feel yourself fighting back the words, “Do you need a time-out?”

Without a guide, a structured approach, and proven strategies for driving progress and managing human dynamics, there is nothing to prevent the chaos from consuming all the time, energy, and resources you invest in your meetings. Facilitation is the power to escape the black hole of the common meeting.

  • Increased Productivity | Accomplish more in less time.
  • Improved Team Cohesion | Get to know your team better through questions and exercises.
  • Hybrid Approach | Experts in delivering hybrid sessions that maximize the experience of participants both online and in-person.

There is a cure for the common meeting. Skilled Facilitation.

Click "Book a Free Consultation" to select a convenient time for a free consultation call via our calendar popup.

Click 'Let's Talk Now' to connect with an available team member to get your questions answered now via live chat or over the phone.